In local news -
The Mandurah Coastal Times newspaper published an article on their website about Wellness Wednesday on October 25th, 2020. The report features Nicole Ingram, the event coordinator, who managed to bring this event together with short notice (you can find the link to her Linkedin profile, Nicole Ingram Events, at the bottom of our homepage).
The event turned out to be a great success with the City of Mandurah and many organisations and businesses getting involved. The general consensus of organisers and participants puts the attendance numbers for this year’s event at approximately 1200. Not bad for an event organised at short notice after the COVID-19 lockdown!
And, as below, an article was submitted to the Mandurah Mail and published on the 5th October on their website. It did not appear in the printed version.

Unfortunately, there didn’t appear to be much interest from the local newspapers for this years event for Mental Health Week. Hopefully, next year there will be more coverage given to the event.