Wellness Wednesday


An event promoting mental health support in the Peel region

Mental Health Week WA 2024 logo
Peel Mental Health

Peel Mental Health Services

About Peel Mental Health

Peel Health Campus
Photo: Mandurah Mail

Peel Mental Health Services has been involved in the planning and running of the Peel Wellness Wednesday event for many years.

The Peel and Rockingham Kwinana Adult Community Mental Health service is a government service that provides support to people who are experiencing mental illness. It is part of the South Metro Health Service.

The service also supports their carers such as family and friends.  We provide a number of different services to people aged between 18-64 who require support and treatment for their mental health.

We offer mental health assessment and treatment as well as care planning, support and education and mental health rehabilitation programs. Our services are supported by different professions and backgrounds including Aboriginal Mental health Liaison Officers. We have a number of different teams to support the individual and families journey through mental health.

Susie Isherwood

Susie Isherwood

Susie is the Chairperson of the Wellness Wednesday committee that plans and organises the event throughout the year. She has been a part of the Wellness Wednesday team for many years and is a passionate advocate for mental health in the community.

Go to the website to find out more about the services that Peel Mental Health and their contact details: https://www.rkpg.health.wa.gov.au/Our-services/Mental-health


On Key

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